27 – How to set boundaries with triggering people using positive psychology, with Dr. Barbara Shabazz
Today’s guest Dr. Barbara Shabazz, founder of Intentional Activities, is a psychologist by trade, and a certified personal and executive coach by choice. After being laid off twice in one year from two academic positions, Intentional Activities was born out of her need to make lemonade out of the lemons.
As an intentional life coach, she uses intentional activities (positive cognitive and behavioral tasks, actions, or exercises that require some degree of daily personal effort, and ultimately promote total well-being and authentic living) as a coaching tool, to engage and equip her clients for action, leading to ‘goal-getting’ and intentionally authentic living.

Topics we cover in this episode
-The difference between therapy and coaching
-The power of positive psychology and taking inspired action
-How to set boundaries with triggering people
-How to remove guilt from your life and empower yourself using your thoughts
-How to stop being so dang hard on yourself
Show Notes
Follow Dr. Barbara on Instagram at https://instagram.com/intentional.activities
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Visit her website at https://www.intentionalactivities.com
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