3 reasons you may feel stuck with intuitive eating and how to get un-stuck
Welcome to Own it Babe, a podcast about an unconventional approach to health that isn’t about counting calories and killing yourself in the gym, but rather an approach to food that is rooted in intuitive eating, food freedom, and body acceptance.
This episode is based around questions I get a TON from students in my online course as well as my lovely followers on Instagram that slide into my DMs.
It’s a question along the lines of “I’ve been trying to eat intuitively and felt it was going well for a while. I love being able to eat my favorite foods again, but now I am stuck! I am so tempted to go back to dieting, because everyone around me is doing the Whole30. I feel I am gaining weight and I also feel hungry all the time and I am so overwhelmed with food choices and omg I don’t think I can do this. What should I do, please help!”
In this episode, I will be going through 3 reasons you may feel stuck on your anti-diet journey and how you can overcome those obstacles like the badass that you are.
Hint: If you are still putting a lot of focus on weight loss or are secretly hoping for weight loss, intuitive eating will be very difficult to put into practice… but more on that in this episode.

Intuitive Eating article by Evelyn Tribole: https://www.intuitiveeating.org/what-is-intuitive-eating-tribole/
More about Rini: https://ownitbabe.ca
Follow Rini on Instagram: https://instagram.com/ownitbabe
Check out Rini’s online program: https://courses.ownitbabe.ca/p/fearless