Anxiety – conquering, dealing with + living with this constant companion
Hey everyone and welcome back to the Own it Babe podcast. How are you?? I took a little bit of a break this past week, wasn’t hanging out on Instagram much, didn’t do much work and feel like I haven’t talked to you in forever!
I hope you are doing well and maybe not going through what I’m going through right now. OMG, that sounded so dramatic, right?
Today’s episode is about anxiety and some important thoughts I want to pass on to you when it comes to dealing with it.
Obvi, today’s episode is not a substitute for mental health treatment, because this is solely based on my experience with my mental health journey, therapy, medication, etc.

Before I let you listen, I have one announcement to make:
My new online program Fearless Food Freedom Blueprint is finally out in the world. If you need help with stopping the vicious cycle of dieting, restriction and then binge eating, eating past fullness or emotional eating, but you want to stop feeling stuck and helpless, this program is an amazing support system for you.
I cannot recommend it enough, because it contains all the steps I took and all my clients and past students have taken to go from chronic dieting to food freedom.
Check it out at courses.ownitbabe.ca – also, you asked and I listened: I added a payment plan to the course to make it even more affordable, because I don’t want money standing in the way at all.
Subscribe and Review this Show
Make sure you subscribe to this show on your favorite podcast app and leave us a rating and review over on Apple Podcast / iTunes and tell us why you love listening to this show.
This week’s review comes from Helene Jane and she says:
“JUST ALL OF THE YES! Please listen to this for your own good – quite literally. Rini is changing my life one sentence and idea at a time. She makes you feel like you are not alone dealing with all the issues related to our bodies and the world of fitness AND she gives you the right tips. This is the first body image podcast I feel is truly real and unedited. Love her and learning to love myself now!!”
Thank you SO much Helene!

More about Rini: https://ownitbabe.ca
Access my Body Image Pep Talks: https://ownitbabe.ca/freebies
Check out my online program: https://courses.ownitbabe.ca/courses