How my Sex-Life changed after my Eating Disorder Recovery
I want to highlight something that I think a lot of us are ashamed to talk about:
Our desire to be intimate – either with our partner/date or with ourselves.
Since I restricted food severely from a young age, my desire to experience and enjoy sex never really developed.
I was ashamed of my non-existent sex drive
I always thought I’m just weird this way and that I’m just not one of those women that enjoys being touched and trying out new things in the bedroom. In fact, I felt really embarrassed by it and just acted as if I enjoyed it and was “always in the mood”, even though this wasn’t the case at all.
When we restrict food or obsess over it, our body is in survival mode 24/7.
And guess what our body doesn’t put into the “survival”-category:
Enjoyment, physical intimacy or – even if this isn’t on our agenda – putting a baby into this world, which partly explains why many of us lose our period by restricting food or exercising too much.
The one thing that helped me get comfortable
Full transparency: Up until a couple months ago, my sex drive still wasn’t back, even though I got my period back and worked hard on healing, feeding and resting my body.
But it’s slowly coming back and it feels amazing when it does!
What helped the most was to stop trying to position my body in a “flattering way” and to simply just connect to my partner (or be in the moment when I was by myself) and to HAVE FUN.
Seeing it as a relaxing act of joy took all the pressure off. Knowing that my desire for intimacy is back tells me that my hormones are slowly balancing out. Double win!
If you’re comfortable sharing your experience with this, I’d love to open up a conversation about it below.
I believe this is a topic that not many people talk about but that many of us experience.
Hopefully I’m not wrong about this 😆
Let’s do this!
PS: I published this post on my Instagram and the conversations in the comments are AMAZING! Click here to read everyone’s stories or leave your story below <3
Can’t wait to hear from you!