How to practice Body Acceptance
If I would have seen this body two years ago, I probably would have had a breakdown – that’s how disordered I was.
I would have thought that this healthy body was flawed, because it doesn’t look like the body of my then-favourite fitness model.
I would have beat myself up, because I was “too weak” to follow my food- and workout plan and “just suck it up”.
Today, I look at this body with love and compassion.
This body was never supposed to look like the body of a fitness model, even though I kept manipulating it to appear that way.
My body has been through so much, but my period-bloat today tells me that my body feels safe enough to actually get pregnant one day. This wasn’t the case for years, because my period went missing for a long time.
Practice Body Acceptance with this First Step
Can I ask you for a favour?
Just for today, stop comparing your body to the body of someone else.
Start small. Commit to one day at a time.
For every mean thought you have about your body, say one nice thing instead.
For example: If you look in the mirror and think “Ugh, I hate my belly”, stop yourself and say:
“This belly has been through so much, yet, here it is. Digesting my food. Holding my organs in place. Allowing me to have children if I want to. Protecting my core. Giving me a gut-feeling about situations and people and so much more. Thank you, belly.”
Your body is on your team, I promise <3
Read more about how I overcome negative body image days, where I share my Top 10 Tips for healing bad body image.