I often get asked if I still have a workout routine after having recovered from exercise addiction and my eating disorder. I haven’t addressed this on Instagram, but I wanted to share with you why I chose not to exercise at all for a long time.
I often get asked if I still have a workout routine after having recovered from exercise addiction and my eating disorder. I haven’t addressed this on Instagram, but I wanted to share with you why I chose not to exercise at all for a long time.
Can I be real with you for a second? My entire life has been built around the pattern of "I don't think I can succeed at this. Maybe other people can, but I can't." Does this sound familiar at all? This pattern showed up everywhere in my life This pattern was present in the following areas of my life: 1. "I will never recover from my eating disorder." 2. "The binge eating will never stop." 3. "I will alway[...]
In this episode I am answering your questions and talk about: * My vacation in Mexico and what my bad body image moment taught me * How I shifted from body hate to pure joy and self love with just one step * How to deal with the constant desire to change your personality based on not feeling enough - aka how to step into your truth and be the badass woman you're supposed to be * How I handled relapses in the past and overcame my mindset of "I will never recover from my eati[...]
Jessica Dalliday is a certified Athletic Therapist, Kinesiologist and Pilates Instructor with a Masters Degree in Kinesiology and Health Science. She has her own blog called the Healthy Sweet Potato, where she shares plant-based recipes, personal growth journeys and fun stories about her golden retriever Allen. She started her blog as a way to connect with others who were passionate about about food and exercise and it slowly turned into a way for her to recover from her eating and exercise[...]
Have you ever had one of those days... ...where you run around like a mad woman, but you feel like you get absolutely nothing done? I sometimes have days where I feel like a complete mess and I know exactly what my problem is: My perfectionism. I sometimes throw around the sentence “I am a perfectionist!” like it’s no big deal and just some quirky character trait of mine. However, if I’m truly honest, it's the most painful, frustrating and alienating part of being me. What it means[...]
Self-Love | ˈˌself ˈləv/ | noun Regard for one's own well-being and happiness (considered as a desirable rather than narcissistic characteristic). Self-love often gets confused with being a narcissist. “This person is full of themselves, they are just in love with themselves and think that they are IT. Ugh!” However, this character trait i[...]