The biggest mistake I made when I stopped dieting
Today’s solo episode is very near and dear to my heart, because I will be sharing with you how I overcame my mindset of perfectionism with food, the mistakes I made while I was trying to recover from orthorexia – an obsession with eating healthy and, let’s be honest, an obsession with dieting – and how I allowed myself to finally relax around food and stop dieting for good.
This episode will be super helpful for you if you’re currently in the mindset of “I just don’t understand, I am SO good with everything else, I do great at work, I am a good mother/daughter/friend/partner/human, I work so hard everywhere else, why can’t I control myself around food, why is my body constantly getting in the way of me trying to “eat healthy”?
I think what I will be telling you here might be pretty mind blowing and not what you’d expect to hear.
Because I won’t be telling you to “just try dieting harder”, to “just cut out more sugar, dairy or gluten”, to exercise harder, or whatever else you hear from people that promote a restrictive way of eating to “control yourself around food”.

Review of the week
This week’s review is from Agavel and she says:
“Definitely had an ‘a-ha’ moment while listenting to episode 4 about how fat is not an emotion and if you are “feeling fat” you need to do more digging about the emotion you are actually feeling. I’m enjoying listening to all episodes its definitely helpful as a pick-me-up on a day when negative thoughts come creeping in.”
Thank you SO much for your kind words lovely, and I know for a fact that episode 4 is one of the most downloaded episodes ever for my podcast, so if you who’s listening hasn’t tuned in, I highly recommend giving it a listen.
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I am excited to hear what you think, so if you enjoy this Podcast, make sure to subscribe, share it with a friend or leave us a rating and review over on iTunes, it would really help me out a ton in getting the word out for this show and spreading a different message from the one we see everywhere aka. “just eat less and move more” because that is definitely not the right way to go if you’re anything like me.
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