Why people-pleasing causes anxiety and how to own who you are with Shaun Frey
Today’s episode is a special one, because I am interviewing my husband Shaun on:
- how to start building your confidence and stop listening to your inner critic
- how to stop comparing your life to other people’s lives
- how to stop beating yourself up if things go wrong or not your way
- what to do if people/parents/friends don’t approve of your life decisions
- how to know if what you’re doing is for you or for the validation of other people
- navigating body image in your relationship, specifically when it comes to feeling insecure about weight gain (it get’s really juicy at minute 40:00!)
I did an episode with Shaun before which was all about him supporting me on my recovery journey and dealing with negative body image in a relationship. It’s episode #7, so you don’t have to go back too too far to have a listen. (It’s worth it and one of the most downloaded episodes to date!)
I have been with Shaun for almost 7 years and have known him for almost 9 years, so I have seen him evolve in so many ways when it comes to his confidence and the way he shows up in the world.
But one thing hasn’t changed: His belief that the opinions of other people shouldn’t play a role in our lives to a point where we stop being ourselves. And today, I want him to share his wisdom with all of us, so you can hopefully walk away with some practical tools under your belt to start living your most authentic life.

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Access Rini’s Body Image Pep Talks: https://ownitbabe.ca/freebies
Access Rini’s Fearless Food Freedom Blueprint: https://courses.ownitbabe.ca/p/fearless