Why your brain needs 3 cups of pasta per day to function properly, with Kathleen Meehan
Hey everyone and welcome to the Own it Babe Podcast!
First off, I want to thank all of you for the amazing feedback and messages I received after my episode last week. I totally did not plan on giving you a 20 minute life update and rambling away on what’s going on in my brain, but clearly it resonated with a lot of you, so I am glad I shared the episode despite feeling a bit nervous or even embarrassed by what I shared…
Today’s episode is an amazing one if you are currently thinking about starting to eat intuitively or you have been doing it for a while, but are confused about how to understand the research behind it or are still tempted by nutrition articles that suggest to cut out certain foods or eat in a way that doesn’t really comply with the Intuitive Eating Principles.
Today’s guest Kathleen Meehan is passionate about working with people as they learn to listen to their bodies for guidance to discover what feels good.
With an undergraduate degree and a masters degree in nutritional science, she has worked as a clinical dietitian and on a college campus. Now Kathleen works with clients virtually and to help people explore their relationship with food while reexamining what healthy really means. With a non-diet, weight inclusive approach, Kathleen is dedicated to serving her clients with a practical approach to evidence-based recommendations to help promote wellbeing through a big-picture lens.

Review of the week:
This week’s review comes from NicolleDiNunzio:
“If you have a body, listen up. The Own it Babe Podcast is Rini’s soul song to women (and men) everywhere. She takes her experiential knowledge and weaves a story line to help guide women to understanding and appreciating their perfectly imperfect selves. As an entrepreneur, wife and new mama, these thoughtful words of kindness and understanding help me give myself an extra dose of grace on days when it’s so easy to look into the mirror and fall prey to thoughts that steal your joy. Rini keeps reminding us that we are all beautiful and worthy, no matter what size jeans we are wearing, what our business card says or what season of life we are in. We are all enough. <3”

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Thank you SO much for subscribing to this show!
Make sure you leave us a rating and review over on Apple Podcasts to help us get the word out about a non-diet approach to life and a positive body image. Your support means the world to me and keeps me going with this passion project of mine. Thank you!
Shownotes and links mentioned in this episode:
Kathleen’s website: http://www.kathleenmeehanrd.com
Kathleen’s Blog Post on carbs: https://www.kathleenmeehanrd.com/blog-1/why-this-registered-dietitian-never-recommends-low-carb-diets
Kathleen’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/therdnutritionist
Certified Intuitive Eating Counselors information: https://www.intuitiveeating.org/about-us/how-to-become-a-certified-intuitive-eating-counselor-or-lay-facilitator/
Ragen Chastain’s Blog Post on what to say at the doctor’s office: https://danceswithfat.wordpress.com/2017/09/24/advocating-at-the-doctors-office-say-something-sunday/
Jessi Haggerty: https://www.jessihaggerty.com
Follow Rini on Instagram: https://instagram.com/ownitbabe
Save your seat for the Body Confidence Blueprint Workshop: https://ownitbabe.ca/body-confidence-workshop/
Rini’s website: https://ownitbabe.ca